The composer for The Residents began his retirement from the group after forty years with a series of insightful tales of life outside of an eyeball.
FREE Website
A depressed man spends too much time by himself in a room with strange wallpaper.
An enhanced Website with illustrations by H.Fox and a soundtrack by H.Fox as Bobuck.
Read by Joey R
An enhanced Website with illustrations by H.Fox and a soundtrack by H.Fox as Bobuck.
Read by Joey R
FREE Serialized Novella
Originally appeared in The Hacienda Bridge Newsletter over a period of seven months.
Originally appeared in The Hacienda Bridge Newsletter over a period of seven months.

Here’s a new idea. How about writing a love song?
Oh, you say it’s been done, maybe overdone. So why would I be so foolish as to tackle such a subject so fraught with cliches and meaningless sentiment.
Probably because I am stupid. But also because I have been led around by love in some form for my entire life. That isn’t really a complaint. Seriously, there is isn’t much in the world that is as interesting as love and its many related variations: attraction, obsession, sexual fantasies, broken hearts. It is the fuel that many of our lives run on.
The question remains. Why join the hoard of people trying to say something new about love? I suppose that the emotional state is, more or less, unique to each person. Each of us has our approach to dealing with and surviving the chemical and hormonally driven state of mind.
For me, I am still able to love as an older gentleman, but the intensity of love always takes me back to my youth when all was new and strange. Each element that drove sexual exploits had to be explored, considered and digested. Now older, I am able to gain some objectivity to set memories to music.
This album is a glimpse into my younger self. Well truthfully, probably not. It is likely yet another fantasy of an aging man, still led around by his dick.
Hardy Fox
Oh, you say it’s been done, maybe overdone. So why would I be so foolish as to tackle such a subject so fraught with cliches and meaningless sentiment.
Probably because I am stupid. But also because I have been led around by love in some form for my entire life. That isn’t really a complaint. Seriously, there is isn’t much in the world that is as interesting as love and its many related variations: attraction, obsession, sexual fantasies, broken hearts. It is the fuel that many of our lives run on.
The question remains. Why join the hoard of people trying to say something new about love? I suppose that the emotional state is, more or less, unique to each person. Each of us has our approach to dealing with and surviving the chemical and hormonally driven state of mind.
For me, I am still able to love as an older gentleman, but the intensity of love always takes me back to my youth when all was new and strange. Each element that drove sexual exploits had to be explored, considered and digested. Now older, I am able to gain some objectivity to set memories to music.
This album is a glimpse into my younger self. Well truthfully, probably not. It is likely yet another fantasy of an aging man, still led around by his dick.
Hardy Fox
Bob Uck and the Family Truck WEB SITE

Imaginary posters for imaginary gigs for an imaginary performer.

What was right about Grandpa was his love of jazz, and what was left of Grandpa was his collection of 78s. Left to me, at least. He was the one who first pulled earphones over my six year old head while mumbling, "Listen to this." The headphones smelled like cigarettes. The sound, however, immediately flushed Disney tunes from my young brain.
Grandpa Charles would not think this album jazz. But I do.
——— Charles Bobuck
Grandpa Charles would not think this album jazz. But I do.
——— Charles Bobuck

I am a married man. I married a guy named Roman a really long time ago. Roman has never been a fan of my music. That has not been a problem, but I thought I would enjoy trying to write something for Roman, something that is both personal and public.
I generally do not believe in public displays of affection once one is over the age of 16. But here it is. The gesture of an old man appreciating his life.
—- Charles Bobuck
I generally do not believe in public displays of affection once one is over the age of 16. But here it is. The gesture of an old man appreciating his life.
—- Charles Bobuck

This collection of eleven contraptions - "contraptions" seems like a better description than compositions - all share a number of things in common. First off… none are particularly dramatic, clever or ironic. Maybe a tiny bit of soaring, but for the most part, it is a series of tuned percussive patterns laid on top of each other, audio moiré. They take their beauty in a type of minimalism. So perhaps it is akin to sitting on the ground and inspecting nature immediately around you .
—— Charles Bobuck
—— Charles Bobuck